Reasons for Undertaking a Roof Restoration

If you're paying for continual roof repairs and the tiles on your house are looking old and worn, you may be considering undertaking a roof restoration. Here are several reasons for such an upgrade.

Thorough Rather than Piecemeal

This process involves contractors pressure washing the entire roof. With the dirt and grime lifted, any cracked and damaged tiles become visible. The whole roof will be treated, not just any obvious trouble spots. Thus, the restoration is thorough rather than piecemeal. You may save money in the long run, as you won't pay for repeated call-outs and any damage resulting from a roof leak.

Moss Removal

The cleaning also removes moss growth that may have spread across the tiles. You may think moss is charming, but it blankets the tiles in a damp layer that prevents them from drying out in the sunshine. The moss can even creep around the tiles and lift them up so that rain can leak into the roof cavity. Once it does that, moisture can rot timber beams and ruin ceiling insulation and plaster.

Prolonged Roof Life

Contractors will cover the cladding with several coats after any damaged or cracked tiles are repaired or replaced. For example, they'll go over it with a primer, a sealant and two coats of paint. These sophisticated roof paints contain resins and other elements that help reduce the tiles' porosity and make them more impenetrable. Inevitably, this will prolong their lives and make the roof last longer. It will push roof replacement further into the future. Alternatively, porous tiles without any protection will deteriorate faster.

Enhanced Curb Appeal

After the process, the roof tiles look lustrous and pristine. If the tiles have faded after long years of sun exposure, you'll notice a vast improvement. You could repeat the existing colour to make it more vibrant or change the colour of the roof. The roofing covers a vast area of the facade, and a restoration process will improve the curb view overall.

Thus, roof restoration helps in various ways. Rather than undertaking repeated repairs, you can have everything checked and enhanced all at once more thoroughly. The process will discover decayed areas that may cause problems in the future and thus eliminate eventual repairs. By removing damaging moss, you'll forestall moisture problems. The protective primers and paint layers will protect the tiles from the weather, and they'll create an appealing facade.
